1¢ Booklet Stamp - Most On Cover
Currently, the largest known number of the 1¢ booklet stamp on cover, parcel piece, or tag is: 12.
Description: Air mail special delivery cover with two pairs and eight single one cent Prexie booklet stamps plus a one cent and a three cent Defense issue paying the 6 cent air mail rate and 10 cent special delivery fee on a letter to Chicago, Illinois from Camden, New Jersey. Cover is post marked on May 20, 1942 and was received the same day in Chicago.
Owner/Source: Richard Pederson
Description: Special delivery cover with two panes of the one cent Prexie booklet stamps paying the 2 cents local first-class rate and 10 cent special delivery fee on a letter mailed within New York City. Cover is post marked on February 22, 1944 and was received the same day.
Owner/Source: Listed on eBay.