3¢ Booklet Stamp - Most On Cover
Currently, the largest known number of the 3¢ booklet stamp on cover, parcel piece, or tag is: 13.
Description: Two panes of six of the 3 cent Prexie booklet stamp plus single one cent meter and three cent Prexie booklet stamp on a registered return receipt cover paying the 3 cent first-class rate, 7 cent return receipt fee, and 30 cent registration fee. The 1954 cover was mailed from Orange, California to Los Angeles, California where it was returned to the sender.
Owner/Source: Image from The Prexies (page 155) by Roland Rustad.
Currently, the second largest known number of the 3¢ booklet stamp on cover, parcel piece, or tag is: 12.
Description: Two panes of six of the 3 cent Prexie booklet stamp plus single one cent and three cent Prexie sheet stamps on a registered return receipt cover paying the 3 cent first-class rate, 7 cent return receipt fee, and 30 cent registration fee. The 1952 cover was mailed from Orange, California to Los Angeles, California where it was returned to the sender.
Owner/Source: Pictured in Albert "Chip" Briggs article "Thomas Jefferson Stamp of 1938 Uses On Cover" from Prexie Era Postal History and Stamp Production 1938-1962 edited by Louis Fiset.