A one cent transient second class rate for newspapers and periodicals weighing up to two ounces was in affect until April 1, 1952. Currently, the number of solo uses of the 1¢ sheet stamp paying that rate is: 4.
Description: Stamps magazine periodical mailed to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at the transient second class rate of 1¢.
Owner/Source: Richard Pederson.

Description: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Sciences mailed from Lancaster, Pennsylvania to New York City at the transient second class rate of 1¢.
Owner/Source: Bob Hohertz website.

Description: Second class mailing of a newspaper for letter carrier delivery within the origin post office at the second class rate of 1¢ for up tp two ounces.
Owner/Source: Bob Hohertz website.

Description: The exhibit states "This wrapper demonstrates the correct Second Class, Controlled Circulation Rate usage with POSTMASTER Statement, "Contents 24 pages (or more) and precancel permit application on a periodical paying the single-piece, under two (2) ounces."
Owner/Source: Hal Klein Prexie Usage Exhibit.